【永續活動 Sustainable Activity】報名倒數! 教育部USR計畫議題交流系列活動「教育同行x光蘊未來:偏鄉教育那些事!」(About Rural Education),認列教職員教育訓練時數及學生服務學習課程時數,歡迎踴躍報名!

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本校大學社會責任(University Social Responsibility, USR)計畫團隊受教育部所託,辦理112年大學社會責任SIG議題交流(Special Interest Group)系列活動



敬邀未來將執行或參與社會參與課程、USR Hub計畫、USR計畫及對此議題感興趣之教職員生踴躍報名參加!

Dear Yuan Ze University Professor and colleagues,

Our University Social Responsibility (USR) project team, entrusted by the Ministry of Education, is organizing the 2023 University Social Responsibility Special Interest Group (USR SIG) series of events.

This time, our focus is on "Rural Education," and we have arranged for external USR project teams to deliver specialized lectures and present their unique project outcomes. This will equip all of us to effectively address and improve issues related to rural education when we engage in such initiatives in the future, ultimately enhancing the quality of rural education.

This event recognizes 4 hours of staff education and training hours / student service learning course hours.

We cordially invite all colleagues who will be involved in social engagement courses, USR Hub projects, USR initiatives, and those who have an interest in this topic to actively sign up and participate.

【報名連結Registration Linkhttps://portalx.yzu.edu.tw/PortalSocialVB/FPage/PageActivityDetail.aspx?Menu=Act&ActID=10566

本郵件若有未盡事宜,煩請與我聯繫,將會立即為您處理。If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this email, please don't hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to assist you promptly.

-------------------------------------------------------------元智大學  永續發展暨社會責任中心Center for Sustaninable Development and Social Responsibility from YZU

聯絡電話Phone(03)463-8800 # 2038游先生(Mr.Yu)


辦公地點Office Location61401R (元智六館14 14th floor of YZU Building 6)

統一編號Tax ID Number00966880

