【英語演講】國際關係大使系列【ENG. Speech】Intl Relations-Amb. Series -國際談判 International Negotiation 教職員可認列教育訓練時數 學生可認列服務學習時數 Educational Training hour/Service Learning Hours provided
【英語演講】國際關係大使系列【ENG. Speech】Intl Relations-Amb. Series -國際談判 International Negotiation 教職員可認列教育訓練時數 學生可認列服務學習時數 Educational Training hour/Service Learning Hours provided
【英語演講】國際關係大使系列 【ENG. Speech】Intl Relations-Amb. Series -國際談判 International Negotiation
教職員可認列教育訓練時數2小時. 學生可認列服務學習時數2小時. 敬請同仁及學生踴躍報名 Faculty and staff may credit 2 hours for Educational Training. Students can count 2 hours for their Service Learning. We invite all colleagues and students to register enthusiastically. In order to show respect for the speakers and fellow classmates, please arrive promptly and refrain from leaving early. Thank you!