📢 EBBA 2023 Eco-Exchange 舊物交易所
📢蒐集舊物 提前拿點!
l 時間:112/6/1、6/2、6/3 中午12:00~13:00
l 地點:R3604
l 活動內容:歡迎在這段時間將用不到的舊物帶來與我們交換點數,點數即可在正式的【舊物交易所】活動上使用!
📢Bringing your old stuff, getting the exchange points!
l Dates & time:6/1,6/2,6/3, 12:00~13:00
l Venue:R3604
l Feel free to bring your useful old items during this period to exchange them for points. These points can be used in the ‘Eco- Exchange' event.