Welcome ~ 10/14(一) 16:10~18:00;R3110 | 藝術與人文講座(一)Art & Humanities Lecture (1) | 黨若洪 藝術家| 風暴中,朝聖者有眼無珠的航行Pilgrim Blindly Sails in The Storm

| 藝術與人文講座(一) | Art & Humanities Lecture (1) 

講題:風暴中,朝聖者有眼無珠的航行Pilgrim Blindly Sails in The Storm
講者|黨若洪(Jo-Hung Tang) 藝術家
時間|2024.10.14 MON. 16:10–18:00
1131014 1

講者簡歷 | Speaker's Biography:

  • 1975 出生於台北
    Born in Taipei in 1975

  • 2002 畢業於西班牙 Salamanca 大學藝術碩士
    Graduated with a Master’s degree in Art from the University of Salamanca, Spain in 2002

  • 曾於2005、2008、2016分別獲得高雄獎廖繼春獎台北美術獎首獎
    Received the Kaohsiung Award (2005)Liao Chi-Chun Award (2008), and the Grand Prize at the Taipei Art Awards (2016).

  • 以及2023第二十一屆台新藝術獎年度大獎
    Awarded the Grand Prize at the 21st Taishin Arts Award in 2023.

  • 2005、2009、2019分別於台北市立美術館個展,作品已被國內重要公私立美術館收藏。
    Held solo exhibitions at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum in 2005, 2009, and 2019. His works are collected by major public and private art museums in Taiwan.

His primary focus is on painting, and he approaches his work in an improvisational manner, akin to automatic guidance.


Though his works are visually vibrant, he considers their essence to remain quite simple at their core as paintings.



Organizer—Department of Art and Design, Yuan-Ze University
 This Activity was supported by the Higher Education Sprout Project , Industry Speaker Series Subsidy Project.