(該活動為校級教學相關研討會或座談會)歡迎報名參加教學研討會-113/11/27 12:00-14:00 R60312 講題:「教學現場運用生成式AI 的挑戰與實踐」/Teaching seminar 113/11/27 12:00-14:00 R60312


為鼓勵授課教師精進教學,跨越傳統教學模式,教務處將於113/11/27 12:00-14:00辦理教學研討會,邀請到淡江大學資訊管理學系鄭培宇教授為大家分享教學經驗,協助教師進行優質的教學,敬請各位老師出席本次教學研討會。


時間:11/27 12:00-14:00


講題:教學現場運用生成式AI 的挑戰與實踐



  • 本活動供餐,於1150開始發放餐盒,12:30開始演講。
  • 為提供講者及全體參與者良好的聽講環境,懇請您為自己保留完整的聽講時間,避免提早離席。
  • 該活動為校級教學相關研討會或座談會,可列記本校教師評鑑最低要求標準。
  • 本學期尚有一場校級教學研討會

This event is a school-wide teaching-related seminar or discussion, and it meets the minimum requirements for our university's teacher evaluation standards.

Event details are as follows:

·  Date and Time: November 27, 12:00-14:00

·  Speaker: Professor Zheng Pei-Yu, Department of Information Management, Tamkang University

·  Topic: Challenges and Practices of Utilizing Generative AI in Teaching

·  Location: Room 60312, 3rd Floor, Building 6

Here is the event registration link: Registration.

·  Lunch will be provided, with meal boxes available starting at 11:50, and the presentation will begin at 12:30.

·  To ensure a good listening environment for the speaker and all participants, please make an effort to stay for the entire session and avoid leaving early.

·  This event is a school-wide teaching-related seminar or discussion, and it meets the minimum requirements for our university's teacher evaluation standards.

·  There will be one more university-level teaching seminar this semester.

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