敬邀參加09/03「Google Cloud工作坊」(時間:14:00-16:00) Invitation to Google Cloud Workshop - September 3rd (Time: 14:00-16:00)



工程學院將於下週舉辦「Google Cloud工作坊」:
l  日期:09/03 ()
l  時間:下午2:00-4:00
l  地點:二館R2111教室


本次非常榮幸邀請到吳振和(Cheng-Ho Wu)先生擔任工作坊講師。
吳振和先生目前任職於Google Cloud合作夥伴「Cacafly」技術副總,同時也是臺科大研究所Google Cloud雲端課程的教師。
我們希望藉由工作坊之舉辦,引起更多教職員對於Google Cloud的興趣,並促進本校與業界的交流及互動。






工程學院 敬上

1130830 1

Dear Professors and Colleagues,
The College of Engineering will be hosting a "Google Cloud Workshop" next week:
  • Date: September 3rd (Tuesday)
  • Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Venue: Room R2111, Building 2
We are honored to have Mr. Cheng-Ho Wu as the speaker for this workshop. Mr. Wu is currently the Vice President of Technology at Cacafly, a Google Cloud partner, and also a lecturer for the Google Cloud courses at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) Graduate School. Under his leadership, Cacafly has gained extensive experience and numerous successful cases in cloud application implementation in the industry.
We hope that this workshop will spark more interest in Google Cloud among our faculty and staff and foster stronger interactions and exchanges between our university and the industry.
If you are interested in participating, please register through the portal webpage: [Click here to register].
We also encourage outstanding teaching assistants to join us. Thank you.
Looking forward to your participation.
Best regards,
College of Engineering