【大學社會責任活動資訊 USR Activities 】轉知校外USR計畫成果展、論壇與工作坊等活動,歡迎對USR計畫有興趣之教職員踴躍報名參加!

Dear, everyone,
We would like to inform all our teachers and colleagues about the upcoming University Social Responsibility (USR) program forum and workshops held outside the campus, as conveyed by the Sustainability and Social Responsibility Center. We extend a warm welcome to all interested faculty and staff to actively register and participate in these events related to the USR program.
Additionally, we have attached information about past USR exhibitions organized by the Ministry of Education, which feature the achievements of various universities' USR projects. We encourage you to refer to this valuable resource.
Best regards,


*近期校內外大學社會責任活動 USR Activities
New 1121113日(星期五)國立屏東科技大學「112年SIG議題交流系列活動-結合農林碳匯的里山根經濟發展策略
New 1121109日(星期五)靜宜大學「112年USR共同培力活動:USR x HISP x XPloser x 敘事力
New 1121103日(星期五)中華醫事科技大學「臺日菲大學社會責任實踐暨跨國人才培育論壇
*歷年全國大學社會責任實踐計畫博覽會 USR EXPO
教育部於 2017 年開始推動大學社會責任實踐(University Social Responsibility,USR)計畫,引領大專院校反身思考高等教育的本質和目標,並將社會責任列為2018年起學校校務發展重點項目。發展至今已邁入第二期,共有 93 所大專院校總計 204 個計畫投入於永續發展的行動實踐工作。
USR 計畫帶動起高等教育學術創新轉型的生態系統裡,包含學校、教師、學生、場域、社群、地方、國際組織等合作單位,透過多重層次間對話、交流、反饋,已形塑出讓人眼睛為之一亮的特色,朝向共好的生活環境持續前行。因此教育部每年邀請全過USR計畫一同籌辦USR博覽會,擴散USR的效益,也希望本校對USR計畫有興趣之教職員可以一同欣賞,期望未來加入USR計畫的推動。
The Ministry of Education began promoting the University Social Responsibility (USR) program in 2017, leading higher education institutions to reflect on the essence and goals of higher education. Since 2018, social responsibility has been a key focus in school development. The program has now entered its second phase, with a total of 93 higher education institutions contributing to action-oriented work for sustainable development through 204 individual projects.
The USR program has sparked an ecosystem of academic innovation and transformation in higher education, involving collaboration among schools, teachers, students, facilities, communities, localities, international organizations, and more. Through multilevel dialogues, exchanges, and feedback, it has shaped distinctive characteristics that lead towards a sustainable and inclusive living environment.
For this reason, the Ministry of Education invites all USR programs to co-organize the annual USR Expo, aiming to spread the benefits of USR and hoping that interested faculty and staff from our university can join to appreciate and consider participating in the future USR initiatives.


2023年 社會參與 (北區.中區.南區跨校共學聯展:https://usr.moe.gov.tw/Exhibition2022年 大學燭光.智滙永續:https://2022usrexpo.org/
2021年 大學助陣 地方共振:https://2021usrexpo.org/
2020年 耀在地 躍國際:https://www.2020usrexpo.org/
2018-2019年 愛在地方.夢想起飛:https://usrexpo.tca.org.tw/tech_2019.php


*歷年大學社會責任共同培力活動 USR Co-training Activities
USR 推動中心與夥伴學校們一起建構共同學習的管道, 包括:「共培(共同培力工作坊)」與「SIGSpecial Interest Group)」兩種學習形式。藉由兩項活動,促進全臺大專院校透過多元教研策略和成果經驗的分享,進行跨校連結、相互觀摩、友好互動。希望彼此觀摩好的案例、促進學習與對話,進一步擴散活動效益,讓大家能夠快速上手USR計畫!The University Social Responsibility (USR) Promotion Center, in collaboration with partner schools, is working together to establish a channel for mutual learning. This includes two learning formats: "Co-training Workshops" and "Special Interest Groups (SIG)." Through these activities, we aim to facilitate intercollegiate connections, mutual observation, and friendly interaction among all Taiwanese higher education institutions.
We hope that by showcasing successful cases and fostering learning and dialogue, we can further disseminate the benefits of these activities. This way, everyone can quickly and effectively implement USR projects.




-------------------------------------------------------------元智大學  永續發展暨社會責任中心
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