Welcome ~ 10/7(一) 16:10~18:00;R3110 | 藝術與人文講座(一)Art & Humanities Lecture (1) | 張清淵 南藝大教授(Professor Chang Ching-Yuan) | 陶藝的當代性與話語權(The Contemporaneity and Discourse Power of Ceramic Art )

| 藝術與人文講座(一) |
Art & Humanities Lecture (1)
Topic|The Contemporaneity and Discourse Power of Ceramic Art
講者|張清淵 國立臺南藝術大學應用藝術研究所專任教授兼所長
Speaker| Chang Ching-Yuan, Professor and Director of the Graduate Institute of Applied Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts
時間|2024.10.07 MON. 16:10–18:00
Time|Monday, October 7, 2024, 16:10–18:00
地點|元智三館 R3110

1131007 4

美國工藝家學校 羅徹斯特學院 藝術創作碩士(M.F.A.) 。
Professor Chang Ching-Yuan holds a Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) from the School for American Crafts at the Rochester Institute of Technology. 
曾擔任「美國陶瓷教育年會年度新秀獎」、「台灣國際陶藝雙年展」、「韓國利川世界陶藝雙年展」、 「景德鎮國際陶藝雙年展」評審;
He has served as a juror for the “Emerging Artist Award” at the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) conference, the “Taiwan International Ceramics Biennale,” the “Icheon World Ceramic Biennale” in Korea, and the “Jingdezhen International Ceramic Biennale.”
並策劃「The Wind of Change— 台灣新世代陶藝展」( 美國、芬蘭)、「策量.探底— 臺灣當代土象展(鶯歌陶瓷博物館)、「第一屆世界工藝三年展」(金澤二十一世紀美術館)。
He has curated exhibitions such as “The Wind of Change—Taiwan’s New Generation of Ceramics” (USA, Finland), “Measuring & Exploration—Taiwan Contemporary Earth Element Exhibition” (Yingge Ceramics Museum), and the “1st World Craft Triennial” (21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa). 
Professor Chang has been awarded the “Special Award for Contemporary Craft” (Japan, 2010), “Maryland's Outstanding Artist Award” (USA, 1992-1993), and the “National Endowment for the Arts Research Grant” (USA, 1990-1991).
作品獲—鳳甲美術館、國立臺灣美術館、新北市鶯歌陶瓷博物館、郭木生文教基金會、中國美術學院民藝博物館、中國山西太原美術館、美國紐約州州立 Highland Park戶外雕塑、美國密蘇里州Daum Museum、美國紐約州雪城市Everson Museum、日本滋賀縣信樂陶瓷博物館、日本愛知縣立藝術大學、馬來西亞國家美術館、 瑞典國家工藝美術館、英國倫敦V&A 博物館⋯⋯等機構典藏。
His works are in the collections of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, the New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum, the Kuo Mu-Sheng Cultural & Educational Foundation, the China Academy of Art Museum of Folk Art, Taiyuan Art Museum in China, Highland Park Outdoor Sculpture in New York, Daum Museum of Contemporary Art in Missouri, Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse, Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park in Shiga, Aichi University of the Arts in Japan, National Art Gallery in Malaysia, National Museum of Fine Arts in Sweden, and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, among others.
Organizer | Department of Art and Design. Yuan-Ze University The Activity was

supported by the Higher Education Sprout Project. Teaching Enhancement Program.