敬邀參加 2/21(三) 12:30-13:30「AWS Academy雲端課程平台介紹」 Introduction to AWS Academy Cloud Course Platform

Hello everyone,


為了讓全校教師及職員同仁們更深入了解亞馬遜雲端課程平台-AWS Academy,並能在課堂中鼓勵學生參與雲端課程、協助學生取得AWS證照,我們誠摯邀請電通學院的李建誠教授與大家分享AWS Academy的使用及教學經驗。歡迎希望將AWS雲端技術融入課程、對AWS課程及證照有興趣的教授和職員參與,一同參與我們的活動。
In order to provide all faculty members with a deeper understanding of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Academy platform and to encourage student participation in cloud courses, as well as to assist students in obtaining AWS certifications. We sincerely invite Professor Chien-Cheng Lee from Department of Electrical Engineering to share his experience and insights into using AWS Academy.
We welcome professors and staff who are interested in integrating AWS cloud technology into their courses or exploring AWS courses and certifications to join our event.
主題:AWS Academy雲端課程平台介紹
講者:電機系乙組 李建誠教授
活動時間:2024221 ()中午1230 ~ 1330
Event information is as follows:
Topic: Introduction to AWS Academy Cloud Course Platform
Speaker: Professor Chien-Cheng Lee, Group B, Department of Electrical Engineering
Event time: February 21, 2024 (Wednesday) 12:30~13:30 pm
Location: R70802, Hall 7
Event Registration Link: https://portalx.yzu.edu.tw/PortalSocialVB/FPage/PageActivityDetail.aspx?Menu=Act&ActID=11329


Ø  本活動於1200開始發放餐盒,用餐地點在R70834,請務必於1225前回到活動場地,謝謝!
Ø  為提供講者及全體參與者良好的聽講環境,懇請您為自己保留完整的聽講時間,避免提早離席。
Ø  本活動全程以中文進行。


 Lunch boxes will be distributed at 12:00 noon. The dining place is in R70834 or the teachers research room. Please be sure to return to the lecture location before 12:25, thank you!
 In order to provide a good listening environment for the speaker and all participants, please reserve complete listening time for yourself and avoid leaving the meeting early.
 The entire event will be conducted in Chinese.




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College of Electrical and Communication Engineering